Needs: You must have NetMinder Ethernet 3.0 or higher to use the DEC LAT decode. For information on how to purchase NetMinder Ethernet or how to upgrade an earlier version, contact Neon Software at (510) 283–9771 or via eWorld at NEONSW.
Description: Enclosed is the NetMinder Ethernet decode resource for Digital Equipment Corporation's Local Area Transport protocol (DEC LAT). To enable NetMinder Ethernet to decode LAT, download this file and place it in a new folder called "NME Decodes." The NME Decodes folder must be at the same location as the NetMinder Ethernet application in order for the LAT decode to work.
If you have any questions about using this module or need information
about NetMinder Ethernet, please contact:
Neon Software
3685 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Suite 203
Lafayette, CA 94549
Tel: 510–283–9771
Fax: 510–283–6507
Virus scan: Disinfectant 3.5. Neon Software warrants that the software
has been tested and is free and clear of any and all viruses, known bugs,
and/or other disenabling features prior to loading the software onto